.ways to march with us.

Hunter’s Army connects with local families in their childhood cancer battle. We find ways to alleviate financial stress so they can be, whole-heartedly, focused on their child’s well-being throughout treatment.

Quite simply: they fight the disease; we help with their expenses.

…and we do this until cancer stops picking on kids in our community.


.buy gear.

The process is simple: after we cover costs, we’ll use the proceeds to support local childhood cancer families we have teamed up with.

We’ll make new items available throughout the year. Click here if you want to know when new gear is coming! Shop one time or build a collection, we’re just glad you’re rockin’ Hunter’s Army!

(Yuma Locals: Go visit our friends at The Hideaway Bait & Tackle located at 2585 16th Street Ste. B; 85365 — they carry all our gear in their store!)


.donate funds.

This is pretty straightforward. Every so often, you may feel like throwing a few dollars our way because you want to help, but you don’t know how exactly. We get it - that’s why we’re here.

Rest assured, whatever you give will be a blessing!